Monday, January 24, 2011

Schooling solo...

Rode by myself today, which I used to do every day but since getting JJ and having Heather to ride with, I've done very little of. JJ was ever so good though.

I went to catch him and couldn't find him so hiked up the big hill because often they're hiding in the dip on the other side. Rolly and Blackjack were up there, and as I walked along the crest of the hill I noticed JJ's butt down by the combination fence. I called out to him and he swung around and stared at me with his ears pricked. I walked over to where Rolly and Blackjack were, and Blackjack decided that there was no way I was going to catch him, and walked off down the track. I followed simply because that was the way to where JJ was, and as I got down the hill I saw JJ coming along to meet me. However because Blackjack thought he was being pursued, he cantered off up the hill and JJ then saw Rolly coming and something in his brain sent him trotting past me and over to Rolly to check that everything was okay. After a reassuring sniff with Rolly JJ came up to me for carrots and haltering. I hopped on him and rode bareback towards the gate. But Lisa had arrived and was whistling to her horses. Rolly decided that meant him (which it doesn't) and came belting along behind JJ. Because I was bareback in a halter and no helmet, I leapt straight off JJ in case he decided to take off...he didn't, but I was glad to get my feet on the ground. Once everyone had settled again I jumped back on and rode over to the gate, jumping over a log on the way.

He was good as gold to bridle today, just took it really slow but he even put his head down to let me put the reins over, what a good boy :) The headshyness will be there for a long time, but he is very trusting and it flares up less and less often now.

We started out trotting around the park, up to one end, change rein, around the other way. Then we did a couple of cirles, then went up the hill to the arena - had a nice canter up there. Going into the arena at first the handbrake went on (in his head), as he clearly thought "oh god not this again". Then he switched tactics to try and run off around the outside and not have to go into the arena itself to school. But we got control back swiftly and headed into the arena. We picked up a trot and trotted halfway around, then did a 20m circle in the corner. Trotted to the next corner, did a 20m circle there too (starting out on the right rein). Did this all the way around, circling in each corner then changed the rein acros the diagonal and the same thing going the other way. In a 100 x 100m arena that takes a while :) He was great though, going round and relaxing his jaw and flexing nicely at the poll for at least half a circle and half the long side (off and on) which was a big improvement on any previous schooling sessions. So I was well pleased with him!

We then went for a walk up the road and a canter at the subdivision, then back to the park. He was responsive and soft for 90% of the time which was just lovely.

Really he barely put a foot wrong today and I was so proud of him :)

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